Tabor College Business Department News

Thursday, September 28, 2006

I'm posting some recent pictures of the Business Department in action. They may bring back fond memories of great days...or not-so-fond memories of not-so-great days! :) Whatever image they conjure up in your mind, enjoy this little glimpse into the Business Department 2006! ~KerryJesse Schumacher spends most of his time helping students in the lab classes. In addtion to teaching some lecture courses, Jesse handles Spreadsheet Apps, Database Apps, and Web Design courses for the department.

A typical Linda Cantwell class has students seatedin a U-shape with their Strengths placards in front of them. Linda integrates Strengths learning into her curriculum in each class she teaches.

Randy and I had our adopted mod over for dinner one night...actually, they cooked for us! Natalie Regier, marketing major, is busy working on the cinnamon rolls for the evening. Yum!

Our mod is a combination of Business students and Education students. Adopting a mod is a great way to get to know our students in a more personal way!


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